The series Babolat Viper it is one of the most loved and coveted on the market, as it is of the highest level and devoted to an offensive game, as per the tradition of the brand.

This series includes the Technical Viper, the Counter Viper and the Air Viper, which are real gems and lend themselves to specific play styles.

We at Racchettiamo have decided to make a small comparison between them, to help you choose and understand which of these models is right for you.

Today we will do a review that is more a discourse on the peculiarities of the single racket because, being the top of the range of Babolat and with minimal structural differences, there is little to say about the materials or the technical details.


Babolat Viper Review

To distinguish these rackets, know that each has chosen its own color, so you will find it only in that shade (except for special editions). Specifically, the Techical is red, the Air is blue and the Counter is yellow. They are the evolution of Babolat Viper Carbon, a model that has “exploded” in these 3 variants.

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Babolat Technical Viper

babolat technical viper

There Babolat Technical Viper it is perhaps the most "classic" shovel of the 3, which is designed for an aggressive and very technical game, which is confirmed by the a-shape diamond (here the explanation).

Its purpose is to allow the player to find great power in the shots, sending the ball to the farthest corners and making the opponent run.

While power is the watchword, the surface is made to generate a strong spin of the ball, which also lends itself well to more technical shots.

From this derives its name, which is a padel racket designed to dominate the opponent, but only as long as the player who wields it has a very high level of play.

This is a fairly "difficult" racket to use, as it forgives very little or nothing and requires a very high level of control of the game itself.

Not for nothing is the shovel of Juan Lebron, the player who resides at position number 1 in the ranking of padel worldwide.

Babolat Racket Padel Technical ...
  • Materiali di alta qualità che garantiscono prestazioni superiori in campo.
  • Tecnologia Holes Pattern System, che ottimizza la distribuzione e la dimensione dei...
  • Superficie ruvida e ruvida per applicare effetti avanzati alla palla


Babolat Air Viper

babolat air viper

There Babolat Air Viper it is instead a model designed for those who pass their games close to the net, responding to the sound of voleé and smash.

Its philosophy is to be particularly handy on high balls, generating power but also a particular control over them.

It could be called a bit of a niche as a model, but the truth is that it performs great in any situation.

Let's remember we are talking about top of the range, which are designed to give the best in every situation.

But that doesn't mean they can't excel at something, and the Air Viper was born not to drop the ball.

We could define it the natural companion of the Counter Viper, as they complement each other in style.

Babolat Air Viper 2022
  • POTENZA ESPLOSIVA: la superficie frontale in carbonio e la tecnologia X-EVA...
  • Comfort: la rigidità può causare disagio. Il SISTEMA VIBRABSORB, alimentato da...
  • X-EVA: la costruzione a sandwich del nucleo con tre diversi strati EVA adattati a...


Babolat Counter Viper

babolat counter viper

There Babolat Counter Viper it is instead a model designed for counterattack games, that is a type of reasoned play that puts power in the background.

It does not mean that with this racket you have to plant your feet on the baseline, absolutely.

Counter Viper theory sees it excel when the opponent pushes on the accelerator, making ferocious blows that force defense.

With this racquet you respond to brute force with precision and technical play, although here too the power is not lacking.

To create this combination of strength and manageability, Babolat used a hexagonal shape which is an evolution of the round one (or a hybrid with the diamond, depending on the point of view).

What has come out is a very special shovel, perhaps unique on the market (if you look at other brands) and that has a certain something for connoisseurs.

We don't know how to explain it but, Counter Viper's sophisticated playing style is something that really impressed us.

Strong and easy to handle, with a very high level of quality, it is truly a model that encompasses every aspect of the padel at the highest level.

Babolat Padel Counter Racket ...
  • Alimentato dal sistema SMAC: ottimizza l'assorbimento delle vibrazioni, offrendo un...
  • Comfort migliorato: include un elastomero nella struttura centrale in grafite per...
  • Carbon Flex sulla superficie: composto da carbonio e fibra di vetro per una potenza...

At this link instead, you will find the best padel rackets ever!


Conclusions: Which Babolat Viper to Choose?

The answer is that we reserve the right not to answer, as it really would impossible to give a solution for everyone.

They are incredibly similar yet profoundly different rackets, with a very specific purpose for each of them.

During our test we were most impressed by the Counter Viper, but this could very well stem from pure style preference.

These they are 3 absolutely top-of-the-range models, which do not discount but neither leave room for criticism or qualms.

Which one to choose depends only on how you love to play padel and what your strengths are.

If you love to play attacking then the Techinical, if you prefer to stay at the net the Air while, for a more reasoned game, the Counter.

Whichever shovel you choose, you can be absolutely certain that you have taken a real gem of the technique, since Babolat he really did an excellent job with each of these Vipers!