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Difference Padel Rackets: Guide to characteristics

drop shot racket

Do you really know the difference padel rackets? Sai cosa cambia tra un modello fatto per il gioco tecnico rispetto a uno per l’aggressività?

If the answer to this question is no or only half yes, fear not! We are here to explain every little difference to you.

Devi sapere che il mondo delle racchette da padel è un po’ più articolato di quanto si possa pensare, sebbene resti comunque semplice da capire.

In quest’articolo risponderemo ad alcune delle più comuni domande sulle racchette da padel, quindi acchiappa la sedia e buona lettura.

What Changes Between Padel Rackets

The truth is that there are, as we said earlier, rackets that are designed to give maximum strength to the ball, others maximum control and, still others, to remain in the middle between the extremes.

Questo lo si ottiene cambiando la dimensione e la dolcezza della parte centrale della faccia, la quale può essere più o meno in grado di assorbire l’impatto con la palla.

A hard surface generates more speed output, but will also make the racket more nervous and difficult to tame.

For this reason, this type of shovel is generally designed for expert players, who have now acquired a certain sensitivity.

On the other hand there are the rackets that have this particularly smooth area, che restituisce palle più morbide e meno “pericolose”.

What's the point of playing with a racket that responds sluggishly? Well, there are several reasons actually.

First of all it must be said that we are not talking about a weak response, only less powerful than that of a more dynamic racket.

Second, beginners will certainly have easier to dose shots, but that doesn't mean these rackets are for amateurs.

Hundreds of pros who love technical play and spin balls choose to use this type of shovel to maximize their technique.

Per sapere di più sulle varie differenze, ti lasciamo l’articolo completo sulle racchette round (the docile ones), a tear (the intermediate ones) ea diamond (those for power).

Also you may find it interesting to delve into the difference between a racket smooth or rough or know more about racket shape and how it affects. This way you will understand which padel racket to choose.

What padel rackets the Pros use

A very varied question that would take hours for an exhaustive answer, so we will limit ourselves to giving a few examples.

Navarro, one of the most popular faces in the sport, uses the Bullpadel Hack 03, a true beast of power and strength.

Bullpadel Shovel Hack 03 22,...
  • Unisex paddle paddle for adults
  • Bullpadel multicolored

Juan Lebron also opted for an attack shovel, with the Babolat Technical Viper and its unmistakable fiery red.

Babolat Racket Padel Technical ...
  • Materiali di alta qualità che garantiscono prestazioni superiori in campo.
  • Tecnologia Holes Pattern System, che ottimizza la distribuzione e la dimensione dei...
  • Superficie ruvida e ruvida per applicare effetti avanzati alla palla

Ale Galan use our favorite, that is the adidas Metalbone, a model that really does not miss anything to those who own it.

Adidas, Metalbone 3.1, Tennis Racket...
  • Technical category: Diamond
  • User: Advanced
  • Weight: 345-360 (0+12) G

These are all powerful rackets but, if we take a player like Tapia, use one Nox AT10, much more devoted to control being round.

Padel Nox A10 Genius 18K 2022....
  • Economic professional bladed lamps. The lowest prices in Palaspádel ....
  • Recipient: unisex. Including Case, paper and gift stickers.

In short, as you can see, there isn't just one school of thought, but there are many currents that all lead to personal choices dictated by preferences and, yes, even sponsors.

How much to spend on a padel racket

Here too there is not a single certain answer, but many small variations dictated by your specific needs, but we will try to give some general lines.

First things first, unless you just want a little toy to try and hit the field with, never spend less than 60/70 euros.

This is the minimum threshold to be able to have a frame in carbon fiber and a face in glass fiber. If it doesn't have these features, forget it.

Add to this that, in the range from around 60 to 100 euros, there are models for beginners that don't offer great prospects for the future.

These racquets may be fine for learning, but you may soon find they're tight and need to swap out again.

Nella fascia 100/200 euro invece ci sono i modelli che definiamo “per la vita”, that is, great rackets that cost the right price and offer a very high level.

These can be bought by beginners and take the player all the way to becoming a pro, as they last a long time and can keep up with the player's technique.

Over 200 there are models for those who are not satisfied and want to have the best of the best, or those designed for the pros.

Needless to say, it's hard to find a racket here that doesn't deserve our praise. If you are looking for the best rackets for beginners, intermediate or le best ever, you can read our articles.


We hope we have cleared some doubts about the difference between padel rackets, clarifying your mind.

The racket is the most important tool for this game, so choose it carefully, perhaps investing a few more coins.

Playing short and then realizing you bought an underrated model will cost you twice as much money.

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