If you are interested in this fantastic sport, you may also want to know more about the padel field, perhaps starting from the measures.
As a sport in its infancy in our country, it is normal that there is still some misinformation regarding some (if not many) details.
Oggi cercheremo di fare un po’ di chiarezza su quelle che sono le misure, i costi e tutte quelle informazioni che devi conoscere sul campo per il padel.
Alla fine di quest’articolo potrai andare a giocare informato e, perché no, persino pensare di costruirne uno nel tuo giardino.
Padel Field Measures
Obviously the measurements of the padel field are not decided at random, but dictated by the International Padel Federation.
These provide that the playing field is 10 meters wide and 20 meters long, with a maximum possible deviation of 0.5%. The values are to be understood excluding the white lines.
The line indicating the zone within which the ball is to perform the first bounce when a player takes the serve is located at 3 meters from the back wall. If you don't know the rules of padel, you can read our article about it.
These two rectangles adjacent to the net are of the same size therefore, since the field is 10m wide, they can only be of 5 l’uno (always speaking of width).
In length, however, they must be obligatorily of 7 meters, which add up to the 3 of the rectangle that is adjacent to the back wall, reaching a total of 10m for each half.
These are the main dimensions but, if you want to know more details, you can read our article on field size of padel where we explain everything.
Padel field project
Now that we have seen the field size padel, passiamo a dare un’occhiata alle spese che occorre sostenere per realizzarne uno.
Prima di cominciare, ci teniamo a specificare che il prezzo finale non è fisso, ma dipende dalla ditta alla quale ti affiderai e all’ambiente in cui andrai a realizzare il campo.
Building an external structure costs much less than an internal one, while adding a simple one coverage it is a major drain.
But if you want converting tennis courts, allora parti già da un’ottima base che potrebbe abbattere notevolmente il prezzo finale.
For an outdoor padel court without coverage and built on a suitable surface, the price is around 10 / 15,000 euros.
For a closed field, on the other hand, you can easily exceed 50,000 euros or even more depending on how you want to build it.
If you already have a gym and want to adapt it to the padel, then the price will certainly be much lower than if you are starting from scratch. For more details you can read our article on how much it costs to make a padel court.
If you are looking for your neighbor clothing from padel, take a look here!
How much land do you need for a padel court?
If you want to build the field but you don't know how much space you need, then let us help you with the calculation.
Abbiamo stimato che, includendo anche le panchine e un minimo di spazio vitale all’esterno, ti serviranno about 300 square meters.
The field alone measures 200, but it is necessary to add any benches and passages that allow players to enter.
Also, if you plan to use it for tournaments or otherwise in very busy places, giving the audience a space to watch is a must (and could bring you new interested customers).
At this link instead, you will find the best padel rackets ever!
Now you know everything you need to play or to build your own padel court, we hope we have helped you.
Il padel è uno sport in rampa di lancio che sembra essere solo all’inizio di un’espansione che promette di essere sensazionale.
For this reason, investing today in the construction of facilities to accommodate players could be a really greedy business.