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Paddle Match : How to Play Pop Tennis

paddle match

The Paddle Tennis, also known as PopTennis, is a sport that is gaining more and more popularity around the world.

This team game is played on a smaller court than the size of a traditional tennis court and is played with a lighter ball. In the following article we will explore the rules of the Paddle match and we'll give you everything you need to know to play this fun sport.

We will discuss the different playing techniques, the equipment needed and how to play a game of Paddle Tennis. We are sure that, by the end of this article, you will have a more complete understanding of this exciting sport and will want to try playing it alone or with friends.

What is Pop Tennis

Paddle tennis, also known as pop tennis, is one sport similar to tennis which is attracting more and more fans around the world. This sport derives from traditional tennis but has some important differences, such as size of the court and the shape of the rackets.

Paddle was born in Spain in the 70s and quickly spread throughout Europe. Its popularity has grown to such an extent that today it is a very practiced sport in many European countries, such as France, Belgium, Holland and Portugal.

In recent years, padel has also been gaining ground in other countries, including the North America And Asia, and it is becoming more and more popular also in Italy. This sport, in fact, is enjoying more and more success thanks to its characteristics, which make it fun, accessible and suitable for all ages.

Padel is a sport that is played by two or four players on a smaller court than traditional tennis. The shape of the rackets is wider and flatter, which makes hitting the ball easier and more fun. Furthermore, the game is faster and less tiring, making it suitable for anyone who wants to practice outdoor physical activity in a fun and relaxing way.


Paddle rules

The pop tennis rules are very similar to those of traditional tennis. The match takes place on a smaller field compared to that of tennis and with a shorter and wider racket.

The game begins with a serve, which is performed by one of the two teams. The The serving player must hit the ball over the endline, but not over the sideline, otherwise the point is cancelled. The player or team receiving the serve must hit the ball before it crosses the endline.

In a paddle tennis match, each point is scored only when the hit ball is not picked up correctly by the opposing team (or double bounces on the ground). In other words, if the hit ball is touched but not returned correctly, the point is awarded to the team that hit the ball.

The match takes place on two sets, with a third set tiebreak if needed. To win a set, a team must score at least six points with a lead of at least two points. In the tiebreaker, the team that scores seven points first with a lead of at least two points wins the set and the game.

It is important to note that in pop tennis, as in tennis, it is not allowed to touch the net during the match. Also, touching the ball with any part of the body except the racket is not allowed. If a team commits these infractions, the point is automatically awarded to the opposing team.

In summary, the rules of pop tennis are simple and similar to those of traditional tennis, making the game accessible and fun for all skill levels. With its faster format and use of a shorter, wider racket, pop tennis is gaining popularity around the world as a more accessible and enjoyable alternative to traditional tennis.

To get to know others sports similar to tennis, you can read this guide.


Paddel: What is it?

The padel, contrary to what is often said, has nothing to do with the paddle. It is in fact a modern and very popular version of the game of tennis that originated in Mexico in the 1960s.

The main difference between padel and traditional tennis is the size of the court: padel is played on a court enclosed by walls, usually 3 meters high, which allow the ball to bounce and be recovered even if it has not been hit perfectly. This makes the game more dynamic and offers more opportunities for trading.

Other than walls, the other major differences between padel and tennis include the ball, the size of the rackets, and the number of players per game (padel is played by two players from each team, against the two individual tennis players).

Also, in padel, there is no service on the fly: the serve must be done below knee level e the ball must bounce before being hit. These rules make the game more accessible and open to a wide range of players, from beginners to pros.

Overall, padel is a fun, dynamic game that is suitable for a wide range of skill levels. If you're looking for an alternative to tennis or just a new and interesting way to exercise, the padel could be exactly what you're looking for.

If you want to know how to play padel, the best rackets or the clothing to do it, you can read our guides.

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