The paddle tennis, also known as pop tennis, is a relatively new sport that is gaining more and more popularity. St

i play on a smaller court than traditional tennis and with differently shaped rackets.

In this article, we will explore the history of paddle tennis, its rules and the main differences with tennis. If you're curious about this growing sport, read on.

Paddle Sports


The paddle tennis, also known as pop tennis, is a variation of tennis that is played on smaller courts with firm rackets and low compression tennis balls. This sport is easy to learn, can be played both indoors and outdoors, and is fun for both adults and children.

The history of paddle tennis dates back to 1898 when the reverend Frank Peter Beal created the game as an activity for children and as a means of learning to play tennis. The first paddle tennis court was half the size of a regulation tennis court and the players used a sponge rubber ball and a wooden racket. Thanks to the small size of the court and the shorter racket, the children were able to learn the game quickly and having fun.

The game became popular among adults in the 1920s and 1930s, extending from New York City all the way to Los Angeles. In 1961, the paddle tennis court was lengthened by three feet on each side, making it 6×14.2 meters in size, the rules changed and the spongy rubber ball was replaced by an uncompressed tennis ball. The serve rule was changed so that only one layover could be made.

However, the name "paddle tennis" has led to confusion in several geographical regions and with other sports such as table tennis, platform paddle tennis, paddle ball, beach tennis, pickleball or more recently padel. For this reason, the new name "POP Tennis" was introduced in 2015 to distinguish the game from its original variant.

In 2016, POP Tennis was adopted by the United States Tennis Association. Today, the game is increasingly popular in both public and private facilities in many Italian cities. The POP Tennis national team has organized numerous tournaments and events sponsored by major sports producers.


Paddle rules

paddle match

Paddle tennis is a racket game that can be played by four players in doubles format. The paddle rules tennis are similar to tennis, but there are some important differences. There ball used in paddle tennis is a standard tennis ball but with a reduced pressure. The rackets are solid without strings and can be drilled to reduce weight.

The playing field is similar to that of tennis, but with some differences. The pitch measures 15.24 meters from baseline to baseline and 6.09 meters in width. The service line is 0.91 meters from the baseline, creating a 3.04×6.70 meter service zone.

The net is placed at a height of 0.78 meters. On the West Coast of the United States, a restriction line is drawn parallel to the fence 3.66 meters away. During the game, all players must keep both feet behind the restriction line until the player receiving the serve has hit the ball.

The rules of the game are similar to those of tennisbut there are some differences. The serve must be done from below and the second serve is allowed only if the ball touches the net and lands in the court. As in tennis, points are awarded in odd numbers (15, 30, 40) and played over five sets. Also, walls or fences perform the same role as tennis court walls: once the ball touches the wall or fence, the point is over.

In summary, paddle tennis is a racket game similar to tennis but with some significant differences. With a low pressure ball and solid rackets without strings, players compete on a smaller court but with the option to use walls and fences as part of the game. The rules of paddle tennis are similar to those of tennis, but there are some important differences, such as the low serve and the obligation to keep both feet behind the restriction line during the game.
If you want to know more about rules of pop tennis, on shoes to use or on others sports similar to tennis, I leave you these articles.


What is Padel

reverse padel

The paddle tennis it is a different sport from padel, although the similarities between the two activities can be confusing.

Paddle tennis, originally from the United States, is played on a court similar to that of tennis but with specific rules and dimensions, with a tennis ball with reduced pressure and a solid blade racket. padel, on the other hand, originates in Latin America and is more like miniature tennis, with a court enclosed by walls and a specific ball. In padel you play in pairs and teamwork is very important.

Previously we talked about the padel in the following links: padel rules, how to play padel.

If you want to know more about best padel rackets or the clothing ideal to play, we leave you our guides.