Want to know if you can build a padel field on agricultural land? A more than legitimate question given that there are many agricultural lands and they are (relatively) cheap.
In quest’articolo andremo a rispondere a una domanda che ci troviamo spesso ad ascoltare, ovvero se sia legale o meno questa pratica.
If you have unused space, you might want to use it for padel since, in the current state of things, it really makes a lot.
If the intricate and fallacious Italian bureaucracy allows it, however, it's a whole other matter. Let's go see what the law says together.
Can I build on Farmland?
Well let's start immediately with a dry one yes, you can build a padel field even if the land is agricultural, but this does not mean that you can already call the construction team.
Per ottenere il tuo campo devi seguire prima un iter burocratico, laddove dovrai chiedere i permessi e ottenerne l’approvazione prima di poter procedere.
In this case, you have to do one richiesta all’ufficio tecnico comunale as the very first step, waiting for them to tell you it's okay.
Once approved, you will need to ask for a second permit, or SKI (segnalazione certificata d’inizio attività) o PdC (building permit).
To get it you have to richiederlo con tutti i dettagli del progetto redatti a regola d’arte, which includes the design done by a surveyor in your field.
Ora che hai tutti i permessi, prima di cominciare c’è un ultimo grande punto interrogativo da risolvere, ovvero find out if the land is suitable.
If too soft or if beset by other problems, your course may soon become a great golf course with holes and hummocks rather than a standard padel course.
So ask whoever is in charge of verify that your land is valid for the purpose and, when you're done, you can start the work!
Ora che ci siamo, devi solo trovare qualcuno che costruisca il tuo campo, realizzandolo a regola d’arte.
For more information, you can read the our article on costs and measures for building a camp.
Do you know that there are also i covered fields And those indoors? In these articles we explain the advantages and prices.
If you want to know how to choose a padel racket, i beginner models and the characteristics of the same, you can read these articles.
If you are looking for the best padel rackets ever, find them here