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Padel Field Dimensions: Let's find out the measures centimeter by centimetre

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If you want to know the padel field size and all its main features, then you are definitely in the right place.

For all newbies or those curious about this sport, we have decided to write an article that gives the basic notions related to the playing field.

Although it is very similar to tennis, in padel the court is smaller and has parts not found in other racket sports.

So let's go and see together how much does the field from padel measure, so let's arm ourselves with a ruler and go find out the numbers!

How much does Campo Padel measure

Let's start from the general measures that the International Padel Federation commands, and then gradually go into the detail of the individual areas or elements present, then width and length.

Un campo da padel dev’essere 10 meters wide and 20 meters long, with the possibility of deviating from this margin by no more than 0.5% (ie 10 cm and 20 cm respectively). These measurements refer to the internal part, therefore excluding white lines.

Adesso scendiamo un po’ più nello specifico parlando delle linee bianche di 2/3 che si trovano nella parte posteriore, ovvero la zona esterna alla battuta.

This line is placed at 3 meters from the background one, creating a single and uninterrupted rectangle.

The two areas, right and left immediately before the net, are 5 meters respectively di larghezza ciascuna (includendo l’ingombro della linea bianca).

There length of these is instead of 7 meters, also here lines included, place where the ball can bounce after the serve.

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The glass and the net

Turning now to the crystals that make up the external rebound points, let's see the dimensions they assume in the padel field.

Se si parla di quelli laterali, allora la loro estensione rispetto al lato del campo dev’essere di 4 meters each, then placed a 6 meters from the net.

Quello di fondo ovviamente, essendo uguale a tutta la larghezza del terreno di gioco, essi assumono un’estensione di 10 metri ciascuno.

L’altezza degli stessi dev’essere di 3 metri, con un metro finale scoperto (la rete) che va a completare un’altezza totale di 4 metri.

Also on the sides the rule is the same, with the two meters extending from the back which must maintain the same measurements as the back wall.

After the first two meters, the field holds un’altezza massima di 3 metri costante, interrupted again two meters from the opposite bottom with a total height of 4 meters.

Of this there are some variations with 4m high nets throughout the field, diagonally cut glass or other small variations that do not change the general structure much.

La rete dev’essere poi alta 0,88 metri al centro e 0,92 ai lati, with a maximum tolerance of half a centimetre.

At this link instead, you will find the best padel rackets ever!

If you want to know how much does it cost to make a padel court or if it is possible build it on agricultural land, you can read our guides.


Now you know what the dimensions of the padel field are with all its peculiarities and variations, we hope we have been useful to you.

Obviously you could find variations to the external structures or other small details here and there but, to be a regulatory field, these are the rules.

We are sure that, in some cases, slightly non-standard fields have been built due to the needs but, if you have fun, they are fine all the same.

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