The big command that all those who discover this sport ask themselves is whether, the real name, is padel or paddle.
The truth is that, with these denominations, we refer to two different sports disciplines (even 3 in some cases), so it is good to know what we are talking about.
So, to avoid confusion, we at Racchettiamo have decided to put an end to this story and explain, word for word, what it is all about.
Andremo a vedere che cos’è il padel e che cos’è il paddle, per poi chiarire che esiste anche un altro paddle che, a onor del vero, non c’entra nulla.
Che cos’è il Paddle
Well the paddle is a sport that is in the middle between the padel and the tennis, although it was originally born to detach from it.
Paddle is indeed a tennis that is played on a field plus small, with some squat rackets and some balls that can be of different consistency.
The score remains the same in tennis and, apart from these substantial differences, there are not many other variables to report.
This sport originated in the United States, cercando di creare un qualcosa d’innovativo ma che, a conti fatti, non lo era poi così tanto.
Perhaps, precisely for this reason, over the years it has been lost enough, remaining today only played sporadically in some areas of the world.
At this link instead, you will find the best padel rackets ever!
Che cos’è il Padel?
The padel invece nasce proprio dal paddle, aggiungendo un’ulteriore variabile all’equazione e creando il gioco che sta prendendo piede con forza oggigiorno.
The padel is like padel, i.e. tennis on a smaller court, but with sidewalls and background made up of walls (made of glass or wire mesh).
In padel there are no field limits, but you can play on the side walls without creating a game made of position and cunning.
In padel you run relatively less than in tennis, but the logic of the point is different, as hitting hard doesn't necessarily lead to anything.
The ball, instead of going off over the endline, here he bounces off the wall and returns to the field, creating dynamics that must be managed differently.
Since we have already talked extensively about the rules, of the field size and of how to play padel, you can read our tutorials for more information.
Cos’è il Paddle Surf?
No, questo non c’entra assolutamente nulla, ma vogliamo fare un accenno giusto per far capire che esiste anche questo sport.
Paddle surfing is a sport that is practiced with a board that is vaguely similar to a surfboard, where you paddle while standing on the board with an oar.
Put simply, it's a cross between surfing and kayaking so, as you can easily understand, it only shares the name with what we've seen so far.
If you are looking for your neighbor clothing from padel, take a look here!
Now you know what differences there are between these 3 interesting sports, you are ready to choose the one you prefer the most.
Obviously, in Italy, finding paddle courts is quite difficult, much easier to play padel or go to the beach to paddle surf.
Whichever of these you choose, we are sure you will have a lot of fun and, if you choose the padel, we will be here to give you all the advice you need.