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Padel Sport: Are you curious why everyone is talking about it? Let's find out together!

The padel sports is on everyone's lips, but few actually know what it is or, in any case, are really aware of its dynamics.

Sì, è una roba che assomiglia un po’ al tennis (o almeno è la risposta classica), ma sarebbe davvero eccessivamente riduttivo chiudere il discorso in questo modo.

padel is a huge world, which is gaining more and more popularity and attracting significant numbers of players from all over the world.

La cosa più importante è che, a conti fatti, è una novità frizzante in un mondo degli sport da racchetta che ha visto il tennis dominare incontrastato per troppi anni. Quindi, oggi, siamo qui per fare luce su un po’ di domande.

How does the game of Padel work?

Well, we have to admit that the rumors are partly true, the padel has some tennis connotations, infatti si gioca su un campo simile nell’aspetto.

This is if we exclude the fact that it is smaller and that there is no line that delimits what is on the pitch and what is off the pitch.

Indeed, in padel there is no outside, since there are gods walls against which the ball can bounce to return to the field and be played again.

This with some limitations of course, in fact he must first touch the field and then the wall and, when serving, there are some limits on the rebound.

However, this is to give a sensible dimension to the sport, which otherwise would turn into a crazed pinball machine.

In practice, what changes for the purposes of the game? Which, thanks to the smaller field and the walls, il padel è uno sport dove si corre un po’ di meno and it is mostly played in position.

Obviously it is a valid argument if we compare it with tennis, a sport where the field is bigger and is also played in 1v1.

Ah yes, we forgot to mention that although there are sporadic fields of Padel 1v1, this it is a sport that is officially only played in pairs.

This according to the rules of the international federation padel, la quale un giorno potrebbe anche riconoscere l’1v1, ma non è questo il giorno.

As we have already written articles about how to play padel and on rules of this sportI'll leave you the links for further information.

Paddle equipment

L’attrezzatura in padel is similar to that of tennis, ie you go on the court with the racket and the right shoes, but the rest are accessories.

The ground of the field is made of a hard material, but there are no precise rules in this regard, which can lead to encountering different surfaces.

In generale però è di materiale simile a una gomma dura, la quale porta a un’alta aderenza con le scarpe.

The racket (also called shovel), is very different from that of tennis, with a much more massive and elaborate structure.

The body is several centimeters thick, contains a bouncy material such as rubber or polyurethane, and has holes in the otherwise uniform surface.

No net like for tennis, the racket here is massive and has more weight, but also a sophisticated touch.

If you want to know more about best padel rackets or the clothing ideal to play, we leave you our guides.

Cosa c’è da Sapere sul Padel?

Before concluding, it is right to add a few more curiosities about the padel that many people may want to know.

This is a sport born in Latin America, then spread as a logical consequence also in Spain and which sees these nations dominate unchallenged.

Tutti i migliori giocatori di padel mai esistiti fin’ora, parlavano la lingua spagnola o, al massimo, quella portoghese per chi veniva dal Brasile.

L’Italia sta recuperando terreno nel settore, with amazing results ai padel World Cup in the women's field (a third and a fifth place).

The diffusion, previously practically a total prerogative of the places already mentioned, is now taking on a more global connotation.

padel begins to be a sport practiced in many countries, with a great force that drives millions of new individuals to try it every year.

In the current state of things, it seems that it is a sport ready to establish itself globally, in a positive trend that appears unstoppable.

Whether it will be just a passing fad or something destined to stay, we'll find out in a few years.


If you haven't tried the padel yet, then maybe it's time to take action and buy your first racket.

I'm sure that, by sending a few messages to friends, you'll find many who are willing to book the field and jump into this new adventure.

Se invece ti sembrano più restii, allora prova a mandargli il link a quest’articolo, magari riusciamo a fargli cambiare idea;)

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