Looking for one padel lightweight racket? A rather simple and understandable request since, in long games, even a handful of grams can really make a difference.

In this article we will discover the best low weight racket, capable of satisfying the needs of even the most demanding padel player.

Yes, there are many models that include a light version but, after having tried a few and in order to give the best quality/price ratio, we decided to take only one model.

Before starting, however, we want to warn you about some problems that can arise if you use a padel racket that is too light.

Why Choose A Light Padel Racket (And Why Avoid It)

Head Graphene Zephir 360

The ultra light padel racket was created for all those players who tend to tire the arm easily, especially in longer and more intense matches.

This applies to both women and men, although the female versions usually have a few grams less in any case.

However, this does not necessarily mean that a woman's racket must necessarily be lighter than a man's, on the contrary!

If you look at the recommended gram range for the two tools, you can easily see how similar and overlap for the most part.

Head , Zephyr UL 2022 Unisex...
  • The Zephyr Ultralight is lightweight and versatile, for intermediate and casual gamers ...
  • Technology: Innegra
  • Weight: 340 g

The women's racket is in fact recommended between 340 and 380, while the men's between 350 and 390 therefore, on balance, we can say that it is irrelevant.

Yes, because, unless we go to extremes, there is no real difference between a shovel for women and one for men, so we can easily brand some labels as mere commercialized.

Now, having said that, let's go back to why choosing a lighter or heavier racket and the dangers that lurk behind this choice.

Weight plays a key role in avoiding tendon inflammation and muscle pain, with the risk of even serious injuries that can ruin a career.

No, we're not kidding, epicondylitis is really annoying and prevents you from playing even for long periods if you can't cure it properly.

So, in order to avoid it, we strongly advise you not to go outside the ranges shown here, as they can really hurt you.

A racket that is too light or too heavy weighs on the physique in different ways, but both lead to pain and aftercare if underestimated.

So, unless you have special needs, avoid launching yourself on too picturesque products that can then make you bitterly regret the choice.

This is especially true for very cheap rackets made of cheap materials, which have poor handling and weights that are out of range.

If you are looking for your neighbor clothing from padel, take a look here!

Best Lightweight Padel Racket

padel lightweight racket

The racket that, in our opinion, is the best value for money and has an above average lightness, is definitely the Head Zephir UL.

Indeed, UL stands for Ultra Light, or ultra light, which is immediately noticeable when you look at the weight of 340 grams.

As mentioned before, this is the minimum recommended limit beyond which you should not go down, under penalty of inflammation and other problems.

This model is made with a carbon structure, which offers truly incredible stiffness and durability over the years.

To this is added the presence of graphene, a material that covers sensitive parts of the racket giving it a better response to hits.

The interior is in Comfort Foam rubber, really fantastic for all those who want maximum comfort during matches.

Since the new model is out but the old one is still on the market, I decided to include them both in this review.

The difference between these two versions is very minimal, with just a few minor updates and new graphics that you may or may not like.

For this reason, if you prefer last year's model, you can proceed with the purchase without hesitation, you will still have a very valid product.

If you want to know more about the quality of the Zephyr, I leave you our review of both models (light and normal).

If instead you are interested in the brand Head, in this article you will find the best models ever.

Head , Zephyr UL 2022 Unisex...
  • The Zephyr Ultralight is lightweight and versatile, for intermediate and casual gamers ...
  • Technology: Innegra
  • Weight: 340 g

At this link instead, you will find the best rackets from padel!


This (or these if you consider both generations) is one of the absolute best solutions if you are looking for a light padel racket.

The price is in the mid-range of the market, the features are top notch and the handling in the field has very few equals.

We hope you will find in this shovel the faithful ally you are looking for for all your future games and that you will be able to use it with the same enthusiasm as we did.