One of the products that we often hear about is the padel ProKennex racket, a fairly exclusive brand that produces only a handful of models.
Siccome l’abbiamo trovata abbastanza interessante, abbiamo deciso di fare un tuffo in questo brand per cercare di capire se sono prodotti che meritano o meno.
In quest’articolo esamineremo prima ProKennex e poi vedremo quali modelli ha senso comprare, questo nel caso ve ne siano (potrebbe sempre non piacerci).
So, if you're looking for more information about this brand and a possible racket to buy, then don't miss a syllable of what's to come.
Who is ProKennex
Let's start by trying to understand who it is Pro Kennex, a brand that perhaps many already know but which, at least in padel, may not be so famous.
ProKennex is a brand with origins in Taiwan, which sells its products to the 4 corners of the world, with offices also in Italy as well as in many other countries.
Its focus is on racket sports such as tennis, padel, badminton, squash and more, so it can't really be defined as specialized on a specific niche.
Its foundation dates back to 1978, il che significa avere alle spalle una buona storia e bagaglio d’esperienza da portare nei vari prodotti che sforna ogni anno.
So ProKennex is definitely a factor to take into consideration when choosing a racket but what we want to understand, is how it preforms in the padel.
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ProKennex Padel
ProKennex is certainly not famous for making avalanches of models that flood the market in every price range, more so for a few but targeted products.
In fact, going to the site, you notice that there is a very limited choice for any sport, not just for padel.
Questa scelta è dettata da ragioni prettamente legate all’azienda e non vogliamo giudicarla ma, da un punto di vista dell’utente, possiamo essere felici di questo.
Having a handful of well-made products is much better than an avalanche full of junk, and this expectation fully applies to ProKennex.
In fact, here there are no models that are cheap but are worth little, as well as others that it is not clear why they were created.
Each shovel of this brand has its own well-defined dimension and positions itself as one of the best alternatives in its price range.
Which ProKennex Racket Should You Choose?
As mentioned, the choice for a ProKennex padel racket is quite limited, so much so that ci sono solo due modelli disponibili al momento della stesura di quest’articolo.
Certo, cercando negli store online se ne possono trovare altri più economici, ma questi sono fuori produzione o usati, quindi ne sconsigliamo l’acquisto in linea di massima.
For all those who want a racket of this brand, then the choices can only fall on these two.
Pro Kennex Turbo
Medium/high-end racket that focuses entirely on playability and on ball control, without looking for particularly high powers.
Ideal for all medium-level players looking for a multipurpose tool, which can accompany them for many years and without ever being a limit.
THE materiali che la compongono sono di prim’ordine, but we wouldn't have expected anything less from a product offered at this price.
Legend/Focus Pro
The two flagship models of the brand, which offer maximum performance although they specialize in two opposite directions.
There Legend indeed it focuses everything on control and maneuverability during the game, partially sacrificing power in favor of greater tacticity and maneuverability.
There Focus goes in the opposite direction, facendo della potenza e della velocità della pallina la sua ragion d’essere, completando quindi l’offerta.
Broadly speaking, aside from the fact that they were created for two opposing styles of play, these rackets are equal in goodness.
Top materials, technology among the best ever and a feeling in the hand that has nothing to envy to the more expensive models of the other houses, so choose the one that fits your style!
At this link instead, you will find the best padel rackets ever!
If you are looking for the best padel rackets for beginners or intermediate, you can read these guides.
There ProKennex padel racket it is really excellent and does not fear the competition of those in its same price range, keeping up with it very well.
Ovviamente l’offerta limitata rende difficile trovare quella che si sposa perfettamente con le proprie esigenze, ma è un problema che si supera facilmente.
The goodness of these shovels is indisputable, so it is worth paying a few euros more to take home a model that really knows its stuff.