Looking for one padel Starvie racket? Then you are a connoisseur because they are blades with a high technical and qualitative level that will give you great emotions.
This house was born in Spain (like most of the brands dedicated exclusively to padel) and now boasts twenty years of great authority in the sector.
His rackets start from a medium-high range market, which prevents them from being considered for all those on a tight budget.
Today, however, we at Racchettiamo want to take you to discover the perfect padel Starvie racquet for you.

Best Starvie Padel Shovels
These are the models that, in our opinion, are the most valid produced by this house which, to be honest, manufactures little more than a handful of blades.
If you are looking for your neighbor clothing from padel, take a look here!
Racket padel StarVie :Aquila Space
As mentioned earlier, this brand it does not discount for beginners and the thing is immediately seen by going to see the price of this shovel.
No mediocre materials, no compromises for beginners, here we focus only on quality in the strictest sense of the term.
The Space Eagle is one teardrop racket (explanation here) that combines power and control, forming a truly excellent mix.
We can define it as the entry level of Starvie, so if you are looking for the minimum expense it is the right one for you.
StarVie Aquila Space Shovel from...
- Tear
- Carbon
- Power
- Tear
- Carbon
- Power
padel StarVie racket: Titania Kepler Pro
In the wake of the previous one, here too we are on the first price of the brand, with a racket devoted to control and precision.
The shape of this shovel is indeed roundabout (here the explanation), holding out his hand to all those players who love tactics rather than power.
Here, too, no negative side or compromise to report, medium-high range and a product that will last for years to come.
StarVie - Titania Kepler Pro,...
- Rotunda.
- In carbon.
- Power.
- Rotunda.
- In carbon.
- Power.
padel StarVie Dronos Galaxy racket
Moving up the scale of values a little, let's now move on to a model that we would define as a product of pro or in any case of advanced intermediates.
Carbon fiber and aluminum frame with Star balance technology which guarantees optimal balance in every game situation.
Also here we find the teardrop format already seen previously, which does not point in the direction of attack or defense, but tries to position itself in the middle and guarantee a product without weaknesses in any situation on the field.
StarVie - Dronos Galaxy, Racket ...
- In the shape of a drop.
- Carbon and aluminum.
- Power-control.
- In the shape of a drop.
- Carbon and aluminum.
- Power-control.
Star Vie Raptor
The new Raptor model is a small jewel at a very competitive price, positioning itself in the upper mid-range area, but being an advanced model in all respects.
If you are looking for the best compromise between quality and price, then you have found the model that allows you to give up (almost) nothing.
Resistance, excellent sensations in the hand, excellent ball control, durable materials and a pleasure to play that make it a little joy for the player.
StarVie certainly doesn't give away its racquets, but we prefer those who offer complete packages like this to those who give you cheap ciofeche.
- Forma rotonda per un controllo eccezionale.
- Bilanciamento basso e grande punto dolce per perdonare disfortunati.
- Nucleo EVA SOFT per un'uscita a sfera superiore.
StarVie Metheora
Moving on to a model that we could define for semi-professionals, we find the Metheora and its 3K carbon to enhance its already excellent workmanship.
It should be noted that any padel Starvie racket has a name that refers to elements present in the cosmos, which gives it a certain charm.
Returning to the model, we have one round shovel that handles really great and is really perfect for technical shots.
It really feels like having a front sight placed on the shovel, which allows you to place millimeter shots.
star vie - Metheora 2022
- 3K carbon.
- 3K carbon.
Star Vie Astrum
One of the best padel Starvie racquets on the market today, which plays with the other 2/3 top of the range present.
Honestly, according to the Raccchettiamo team, given the quality of this one, it really doesn't make sense to go and spend more on shovels which, on balance, are really similar to each other.
For this reason we have decided to crown the Astrum as the best racket in terms of quality/price currently on the market for Starvie.
It really has everything you need starting from the carbon frame, a surface with a texture that ensures a spin-rich ball output and an elasticity that is the envy of any other racquet on the market today.
Star Vie padel Racket Astrum...
- 3K carbon.
- 3K carbon.
At this link instead, you will find the best rackets from padel!
We hope we have helped you find the padel Starvie racquet of your dreams, although we are confident that we have provided you with the means to do so.
Honestly, any racquet from this brand is excellent, so it's really impossible to make a bad choice.
If we were to buy it for ourselves, then we would head to the Metheora Warrior, used by a great player like Mati Diaz.
Star vie Metheora Warrior,...
- Roundabout
- Carbon
- Control
- Roundabout
- Carbon
- Control
But if you don't want to spend that amount, even the first price will give you that joy on the pitch you are looking for.