Today we are going to do the review at Head Graphene Spark Control, a racket that sits in limbo between the first price and the mid-range.

Its technical data sheet pushes it more in the direction of the latter, with good quality characteristics which, however, must be compared with what the competition offers.

Of course there are a whole range of factors to look into before we can give a verdict that is fair and impartial, so we can't stop there.

If you are curious to find out how this Head Graphene Spark Control performs then you are in the right place because this review is about to reveal its secrets to you.

At this link instead, you will find the best padel rackets of 2021!

Head Graphene Spark Control Review

Head Graphene Spark Control Review

Materials, shape and behavior on the court, these are the characteristics that really make the difference between a good and a bad racket and it is precisely these that we love to discuss in our reviews, in order to provide you with a 360-degree overview of the product.

If you are looking for your neighbor clothing from padel, take a look here!

Head Graphene Xt Spark Control 2...
  • Design circolare per un gioco difensivo superiore con controllo ed equilibrio.
  • Ampio punto debole e basso bilanciamento per colpi e manovrabilità precisi.
  • Telaio in carbonio con tecnologia Flexible Chassis per flessibilità e prevenzione...

The materials

The Head range has given us some truly remarkable products with the graphene series (while others less relevant), so it is to understand which group we are in

Being belonging to a more “basic” range this technology has not been used on the entire surface, which has helped to decrease the price.

On balance, however, we are faced with a frame formed by several layers of carbon really very resistant.

The face of this racket is made of fiberglass, which we would have expected given the price and which we do not mind at all.

Inside is comfort foam rubber, excellent solution to reduce vibrations and maintain the right balance between power and control.


The shape of this racket is roundabout (here the explanation), with a slight ovality that makes it a little more aggressive.

In principle, however, remains a racket devoted to control, something immediately demonstrated in the name and in its characteristics.

This idea of creating less than pure versions of the form is quite trendy, but it doesn't always really mean anything.

In this case you don't feel any real differences between a round racket, so this addition doesn't seem really relevant.

How it goes on the pitch

On the court it's fine, because being a racket devoted entirely to control it is really easy to understand and to tame from the very first hits.

Never fails to return the ball with just the right sweetness, forgiving even the slightly rougher players in the game.

Does that make it a racket that is absolutely worth buying? It is difficult to give an absolute answer to this question.

The feeling is that, adding a few pennies, you can bring home more current and better made models.

With this we don't mean that it goes badly, it does its job very well, but that you could have more.

An example is the Head Graphene Touch Pro (here the review), a pro racket that is now at a very similar price level to this one.

From here on it becomes personal preference but, we at Racchettiamo, are for the most advanced and performing version.

Head Graphene Xt Spark Control 2...
  • Design circolare per un gioco difensivo superiore con controllo ed equilibrio.
  • Ampio punto debole e basso bilanciamento per colpi e manovrabilità precisi.
  • Telaio in carbonio con tecnologia Flexible Chassis per flessibilità e prevenzione...


This is a good one racket that does not leave disappointed and it never fails to deliver good performance, but it loses out a bit in the competition.

There are so many rackets at prices very close to this one that offer something special that this one doesn't have.

Buying this racket today and at this price doesn't seem to make much sense, but there are people who still find it amazing and play it every day.

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